Student represen­tatives
Physics & Meteorology


Who we are, what we do - and why you should participate.

The Student Repres­ent­at­ives of Physics and Meteor­o­logy are the elected repres­ent­at­ives of the students of our faculty.
Our faculty includes the studies of Physics, Meteor­o­logy, IPSP, Mathem­at­ic­al Physics and teach­ing profes­sion of physics. What does student repres­ent­at­ives mean? We are part of the commit­tees that officially organ­ize the studies. We organ­ise events to bring the students togeth­er. We support third-party projects finan­cially. We help students with problems during their studies. And we would be happy if you would like to become part of this excit­ing work.


Saxony’s Higher Educa­tion Act stipu­lates that students may parti­cip­ate democrat­ic­ally in the organ­isa­tion­al processes of their univer­sity. In concrete terms, this means that members of FaRaPhy parti­cip­ate and vote in univer­sity and faculty committees.


In order to contrib­ute to a varied student life at the faculty and the univer­sity, we also organ­ize various events every year.


Wheth­er it’s student advice or problems with profess­ors or exams, you can come to us with any question. We are all students like you and know our faculty very well.
If you want to report problems to us anonym­ously, you can use our feedback tool.
Campus Augus­tus­platz Foto: Swen Reich­hold / Universität Leipzig

Office hours

On Mondays at 4 to 5 pm, we offer an office hour. Come to our Discord with your questions and problems and benefit from our experience.


In our weekly meeting (Monday at 5 pm, room 220 or Discord, may differ during the lecture-free period) we discuss the latest devel­op­ments at the faculty. We plan events, take care of students’ problems, write e-mails to lectur­ers and discuss how to improve the study programmes.

Since this meeting is held in German, we also offer an English version for all inter­ested people. This takes place in every odd calen­dar week on Thursday at 4 pm. For further inform­a­tion contact devin[a]

You want to participate?

All students have the oppor­tun­ity to discuss in meetings, help with events and parti­cip­ate in commit­tees. So if you are new to the faculty or you have ideas for a better study, you should come and visit us. 

Join our Discord

On our Discord server ( you can connect with fellow students, ask questions, use the voice channels and take part in our Games Night.

Start­ing your studies

Are you inter­ested in study­ing IPSP (Inter­na­tion­al Physics Studies Program), Mathem­at­ic­al Physics, or one of the German courses Physics, Meteor­o­logy or Physics teach­ing profes­sion? Then browse our website or send us your questions by e-mail (fsr[a] We will be happy to give you all the neces­sary inform­a­tion you need to know for your application.

You can find a lot more inform­a­tion on the univer­sity website (left button) or take a look at the events we currently offer our fresh­ers (right button).

Faculty for Physics and Earth Sciences Photo: Chris­ti­an Hüller / Universität Leipzig

Semester abroad

Study­ing abroad is usually a great person­al enrich­ment, because you get to know people from many other nations and cultures, improve your language skills and exper­i­ence a differ­ent educa­tion­al system. However, in order to ensure that study­ing abroad is a success and does not lead to unneces­sary delays in your studies, there are a number of things that need to be taken into account in advance.

Our social media profiles

Follow us on Instagram or Facebook. There we share all the relev­ant inform­a­tion about your studies, devel­op­ments at the faculty and our activ­it­ies with you.

On Discord we offer you a place to commu­nic­ate and work together.




FaRaPhy Discord 




Frequently asked questions and helpful tips. To make it easier for you to find the answers, we have compiled the most frequently asked questions here. If you can’t find the answer to your question, please feel free to send us an e-mail or come by!